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What we do

Customer Engagement Model

Strategic decisions

We help our clients design and successfully implement the optimal multichannel models to deliver the value propositions to the target customers.


How we can help

  • Design and implement segmentation strategies
    • Select the variables (needs, benefits sought, desired experience, beliefs, perceptions, preference, attitudes, behavior and life time value, or any other relevant characteristics) to frame the market into actionable, meaningful and practical segments
    • Consolidate segment-specific insights into customer portraits
    • Harness multiple sources of information to develop superior real-time insights around  stakeholders’ responses to the firm’s offering and interactions
    • Understand practice adoption patterns and rapidly operationalize decisions based on these insights


How we can help

  • Assess how the essential interactions to engage/serve customers are currently performed by go-to-market participants and channels
  • Explore opportunities to leverage digital channel opportunities in sync with strategy
  • Craft go-to-market strategies that deliver value and engage the network of stakeholders in an integrated manner
  • Organize a successful transition to an integrated multichannel


How we can help

  • Create tactics and content suited to drive the desired behavioral changes of different segments of customers
  • Harness customer intelligence to provide frontline with practical, real-time recommendations on what actions to take, and when to take them
  • Define a road map to customer engagement excellence
  • Align job roles, expectations and success metrics for frontline (Sales, MSL, Field Market Access) and line management to the new customer engagement strategies
  • Adjust organizational structure, team sizes, and reporting relationships
  • Redefine quality standards, role-specific competencies and situational behaviors that drive successful customer engagement
  • Design efficient talent development initiatives (acquisition, launch academy, forward looking coaching… ) to bridge capability gaps


How we can help

  • Capture and analyze the voice of customers pre-launch and post launch
  • Redesign dashboards to incorporate metrics to track customer value creation and relationship building
  • Establish feedback loops to continuously improve the mix of resources that generates optimal response
  • Train teams in investigating the root causes of underperformance, in coordinating course-correction measures and ensuring timely implementation, by using exercises based on real cases
  • Redesign performance management process and enable ongoing, real time and constructive performance feed-back to individuals
  • Redesign incentive and compensation plans to align with the customer engagement strategy and with role adjustments

Let’s start a conversation

Whether you're looking for answers, would like to solve a problem,or just want to let us know how we did, you'll find manyways to contact us right here

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What we do

Client Projects