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Who we are

StarGen is a healthcare consultancy

We are European by origin and have developed the capabilities needed to serve our clients in most important markets worldwide.

  • We help our clients confront unprecedented disruptions that are revolutionizing healthcare and turn opportunities into sustainable success.
  • We work with healthcare care providers, scientific societies, payers, and life sciences/medtech companies to deliver better health outcomes, improve individuals’ experience and streamline costs.
  • Our consultants combine the business acumen, design-thinking and leadership capabilities, as well as the technology insights needed to engage your teams in the creation of experiences that people love.
  • To gain additional insights, we leverage a network of external experts who are key opinion leaders in different disease areas.
  • We work as an integrated part of your team, from frontline to C-suite to orchestrate and execute transformational initiatives.
  • Contribute to optimize our clients’ value proposition and the way they collaborate with other stakeholders to improve the patient benefits and the healthcare system efficiency by:
    • Leading our clients to the best strategic choice and improve their operational model;
    • Supporting them in the implementation of innovative solutions to obtain tangible and optimal results;
    • Working closely with personnel and clients to ensure an agreement on recommendations and solutions;
  • Offer our customers to operate coherently on five directions:
    • Strategy definition based on a precise understanding of challenges and its translation into operational plans
    • Improvement of the organization, processes and information systems
    • Cost minimization (or optimization)
    • Risk minimization (or management)
    • Personnel and teams mobilization on transformation projects and competency development
  • Our first obligation is to our clients. We strive to meet their needs and apply a handful of core principles:
    • Work with our clients to implement workable solutions to solve their problems
    • Get the right people involved with the appropriate industry and process skills
    • Take a business perspective
    • Adopt a fact-based approach
    • Care how they perform over the long term
  • StarGen differentiates by its way of practicing consulting which ensures that a tangible added value will be obtained over time:
    • StarGen implements personnalized working approaches.
    • We work in tight partnership with our customers. We develop specific recommendations and build innovative solutions to provide them with a lasting competitive advantage.
    • Our highly experienced consultants combine deep understanding of the challenges of the different stakeholders within the healthcare system, mastering of key business disciplines and enabling technologies insight. This ensures that recommended solutions are realistic and will lead to operational success.
    • Our consultants are recognized for their ability to effectively work in teams with the client personnel and mobilize talents to improve long term performance.
    • Our independence and entrepreneur spirit guaranty that our recommendations fit with their specific needs and expectations.
    • Our consultants are fully committed to the success of our clients and StarGen’s

Let’s start a conversation

Whether you're looking for answers, would like to solve a problem,or just want to let us know how we did, you'll find manyways to contact us right here

Your challenges

What we do

Client Projects