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What we do

Patient Journey

Strategic decisions

We help clients, payers, providers, and manufacturers spot opportunities to reinvent the way specific patients access and experience care. Side-by side with care teams and patients, we contribute, in multiple disease areas, to accelerate the dissemination of the state-of-the art care, harness technologies, realize the potential of person-centered integrated care and ultimately achieve true results.


How we can help

  • Define common ground and establish a framework for a collaborative program with key stakeholders
  • Compare practices across geographies and identify deviations to evidence-based standards of care
  • Help clinicians, healthcare providers’ leadership and payers understand the magnitude of issues locally, their impact on population outcomes and costs
  • Engage health care providers in tackling unwarranted variations of care, weaknesses in the patient journey and in improving outcomes
  • Provide local teams with frameworks for collating relevant information, mapping patient journeys, assessing quality of current services and building consensus on priorities based on cost benefit-risk analysis
  • Conduct structured ideation to generate useful ideas and craft design principles for solutions


How we can help

  • Frame patient engagement strategies
    • Uncover insights into patients’ and healthcare professionals’ needs along the patient journey and into existing world-class programs
    • Highlight regulatory and compliance obligations to take into account ahead of the program
    • Evaluate which services best meet the needs of patients and healthcare professionals for a particular condition
    • Prioritize patient support program investments
  • Build the relevant components that structure patient support program while leveraging multichannel capabilities
  • Maximize collaboration with the care team to secure patient enrollment and retention
  • Evaluate patient support program impacts and orchestrate continuous improvement


How we can help

  • Learn from pioneers who rolled-out innovative integrated care practices to inspire the implementation and scaling up of your own initiatives
  • Gain early agreement, from participants in a value enhancement program, on goals, scope, charter and success measurement
  • Design with program participants a governance model and strategies to generate buy-in across the organizations, from leadership to frontline teams
  • Carefully define outcomes that are most important for patients, meaningful for clinicians, and suitable for value-based reimbursement contracts
  • Mentor clinical and administrative leadership to drive the patient journey redesign, the standardization patient-centric collaborative care protocols and processes that define tasks and who will perform them
  • Leverage information and communication technologies which can support collaborative working, real-time data sharing and clinical decision-making
  • Enable the measurement of outcomes and costs and the creation of a foundation for value-based payment models
  • Enable program team members to train multidisciplinary staff on the new patient journey, care delivery protocols, processes, roles and tools
  • Leverage the voice of patients, measurement of outcomes and costs at patient level to set priorities for continuous improvement efforts


How we can help

  • Evaluate how digital health solutions can add value at each step along the patient journey, enable health care delivery process transformation and affect the healthcare resource utilization and expenditures
  • Understand the financial, organizational, behavioral and regulatory barriers that can hinder a successful diffusion of innovation and propose ways to overcome them
  • Define an overarching vision for transformational breakthroughs resulting from a combination of digital, organizational and payment model innovation
  • Define a cohesive transformation roadmap along with a governance mechanism to achieve the triple aim of enhancing health outcomes, improving patient experience and making an efficient use of resources
  • Design robust business models taking into consideration the overall health care value chain and the involved players
  • Enable the leadership team to support and orchestrate change adoption throughout the entire organization


How we can help

  • Provide exposure to the state-of-the-art digital technologies that enable value-based care delivery
  • Facilitate collaboration between patients, clinicians, and technologists from ideation to implementation
  • Craft design principles for potential solutions
  • Explore solutions, select the right technology and determine their integration with care delivery processes and legacy systems
  • Develop use case and conduct fit/gap analysis
  • Clarify how the introduction of a digital solutions is going to affect each stakeholder
  • Lead rapid cycles of testing, evaluation, and refinement of workflows and digital capabilities
  • Engage local teams and drive widespread adoption
  • Monitor impacts and enable a continuous improvement culture

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